About us

1. GREDA is a body recognized by the government for Real Estate activities on national and international platforms.
2. Being a member of GREDA provides you the legitimacy for your operations in the real estate sector.
3. Recognition as a serious Developer.
4. Opportunity to access Estate Development finance from Mortgage banks.
5. Fund and sell housing units to National Housing Fund and or any other similar scheme.
6. Support for Land acquisition and participation in Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme for infrastructure and Estate Development.
7. Access to Finance under the local loan syndication schemes under the auspices of the Association.
8. Opportunity to access finance, materials and equipment at specially discounted rates for members when available.
9. Access to information on development affecting real estate business.
10. Business linkage, marketing assistance and networking.
11. Members get discount on GREDA activities and collaborations.
12. Access to project preparation consultancy, advisory and support services.
13. Direct intervention in membership problems within the limits of capacity, law and confidentialities where it acts as a referee for customer complains.
14. Participation in capacity building programs, local, regional and international trade events, seminars, workshops and exhibitions.
15. Access to foreign marketing trade shows.
16. Provision of Newsletters, e-newsletter and relevant industry documents and information to members.
17. Easy access to industry news, information and networking through GREDA online platforms.

For Enquiries...

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0241301973 / 0248031533